Fun Fonix Book 3: printable long vowels and Magic 'e' worksheets.
This phonics workbook covers long a, long i , long o and long u with Magic 'e'. There are 8 pages of worksheets for each. There are long vowel vs. short vowel exercises, vocabulary builders, phonics rule solidification activities, two pages of reading exercises, and a free writing activity. Each section also has a fun maze and word search activity as well. See below for more details.
Use the link above to open the full e-book. The ebook is about 3mb so it will load a little faster than the others. It will open in a new tab and then you can then print the entire book or just the sections you need.
Take a look at a few of the pages in each section:
Book 3 moves students from phonics rule-focused activities to more reading, spelling and writing activities. It is important that students not only have a good understanding of phonics rules but also a lot of chance to read and practice their skills. The readings are designed to only use vocabulary within the phonics rules students have studied so far. (Hopefully,) they are a little clever and fun at times.
What happened to long e with Magic 'e'? Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with enough vocabulary words (I could depict in images) in that e_e pattern to create a whole section for the book. In the end, I had to just leave it out of the book.
Make additional worksheets, activities, and exercises with long vowels and Magic 'e'. The Fun Fonix Worksheet Makers have 10+ worksheet templates and printable phonics games that let you use all of the images from the Fun Fonix series to make additional materials. You can recreate most of the exercises in Book 3 and also make other styles of worksheets. The tools are very versatile and each template has suggestions for various ways you can use them.
If you need phonics introduction and teaching resources like long vowel flashcards or handouts, check out my phonics materials at MES, MES Phonics. You'll find a_e, i_e, o_e flashcards for teaching phonics and other resources.
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