Free Crossword generator

from Fun Fonix: Make printable crossword puzzles with text hints or choose from hundreds of images to use images as the hints!

Use these fun phonics games as supplements to your current phonics curriculum or to support the phonics workbooks from FunFonix. The crossword generator is light, simple to use but very powerful.

Hint 1 Answer 1
Hint 2 Answer 2
Hint 3 Answer 3
Hint 4 Answer 4
Hint 5 Answer 5
Hint 6 Answer 6
Hint 7 Answer 7
Hint 8 Answer 8
Hint 9 Answer 9
Hint 10 Answer 10
Hint 11 Answer 11
Hint 12 Answer 12
Hint 13 Answer 13
Hint 14 Answer 14
Hint 15 Answer 15
Hint 16 Answer 16
Hint 17 Answer 17
Hint 18 Answer 18
Hint 19 Answer 19
Hint 20 Answer 20

Font: Arial Comic Sans Georgia Times New Roman

Include wordsearch puzzle:

The maker times out: The crossword maker will attempt to make a crossword with all of your words. If it cannot, the maker may time out, giving a 500 error. You can refresh the browser and the maker will try again. If that doesn't work, you may need to change the words you have. You need words that can connect. For example: you can't make a puzzle with the words 'bat', 'pig' and 'fox'. There are not any letters that can be connected. Change that to 'a bat', 'a pig' and 'a fox' and now the generator can make your puzzle.

The puzzle looks strange: The maker will generate a puzzle and then shrink it to the available space on the page. If the puzzle is very long or very tall, it will shrink and become small. If you click the 'reload' button at the top, it will refresh your page and the crossword generator will build the puzzle again.

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