Make and print 3x3, 4x4, or 5x5 bingo boards with your choice of text or images from Fun Fonix. You only need to enter 9+ options for your bingo board (16+ for 4x4 boards, 25+ for 5x5 boards.) Then, click make it.

(Example: In text mode, you can enter words or phonics rules, like 'ph-', 'a_e', 'ee'. The teacher writes a word on the board. Students read the word and check if they have the phonics rule on their board.)

Select your image category:
Choose 9 ~ 30 images for your boards

3x3     4x4     5x5

4 8 12 16 20 24 28

This maker will generate your requested number of unique bingo boards. If you need more boards: You can click the reload button at the top of the browser or just refresh the browser to get a whole new set of boards.

The more options you provide, the more unique your individual boards will be.

Fun Fonix

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