Fun Fonix Book 2: digraphs worksheets to print: ch worksheets, sh worksheets, th worksheets, ck worksheets, ng worksheets, qu worksheets from Fun Fonix.

This workbook takes students through 7 basic consonant digraphs and only uses vocabulary with short vowels. It builds from Book 1, but you can start here if your students have a good handle on hard consonants/short vowels or just need a good review of these digraphs.

Fun Fonix Book 2 Workbook

Use the link above to open the full e-book. The ebook is about 4mb so it may take a moment to load. It will open in a new tab and then you can then print the entire book or sections.

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Preview some of the pages in each unit:

Sound recognition:

Build the word:

Fun Games and Activities:


Starting with Book 2, I created a different set of images that are more detailed. As students move through the series, they are getting older and need less coloring and drawing activities. So, I thought I would give the books more 'grown up' images.

Make your own custom worksheets with consonant digraphs. The Fun Fonix Worksheet Makers have 10+ worksheet templates and printable phonics games that let you use all of the images from the Fun Fonix series to make additional materials.

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